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SEO Backlinking Strategy Works Best Tutorial Tips & Tricks

Showing posts with label WordPress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WordPress. Show all posts

How To Design Responsive Blogger Template

How To Design Responsive Blogger Template

How Responsive Blogger template is one of the most important issues that most blogger wordpress users ask because there are a lot of plugins and themes that are responsive model, in fact, there are also issues that are blogger sensitive users, but many who use free Blogger templates do not have these features and always asking questions such as how to make blogger template sensitive. You must be knowing that due to the increasing number of mobile users and tablets screen sizes and different design teams your Blogger blog will not be displayed properly on all devices with different sized screenshot

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It is therefore very important for your model blogger reagent to be displayed properly on all devices, regardless of user visits your blog through offices of 15 inches or 10 inches or tablets or mobile phones. If your blog template is responsive so it will not deal with all the challenges in the minutes and automatically resize to display properly on devices with different screen sizes.
So in this post I will show you the best you can make your blog template blogger reactive visitors do not face a problem while viewing your website on different devices

How To Design Responsive Blogger Template

The first step to make your model blogger reagent is added viewport meta tag in your template. What this meta tag viewport is simply telling the browser to change based on the size of the screen, regardless of their view of the tablet or mobile or desktop size. To do this simply add viewport meta tag below in the head section of the Blogger template then let's do it
1)  Go to your blogger dashboard

2) Click on Templates

3) Click on Edit HTML and search for <head>

4)  Paste the below mentioned code in the head section of your blogger template

<meta content=’width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1′ name=’viewport’/>

What this code does it simply tells that viewport width should be same as the device width and it’s set to initial value as 1

Now we will go ahead and add different code for each screen and device types to make our template responsive and for this we are going to use media queries

Make Blogger Template Responsive With Media Queries

You must put the below mentioned code after


In the below mentioned code the max width simply says that if the width of the device is less than or equal to a particular media query then use the following CSS code to render the blogger template and if it more than that it will move to another media query and select the right media query to display our blogger blog on different devices with different screen sizes. So simply copy the below mentioned code and paste after

]]></b:skin>  of your blogger template to make it responsive

/* For Desktops and Laptops*/

@media only screen and (max-width : 1280px) {

/* If device width is less than or equal to 1280px */


/* For Tablets*/

@media only screen and (max-width : 1024px) {


/* For Small Tablets*/

@media only screen and (max-width : 768px) {


/*For iPhones */

@media only screen and (max-width : 640px) {


/* Mobiles */

@media only screen and (max-width : 480px) {


/* Small Mobiles */

@media only screen and (max-width : 320px) {


So friends this was template blogger how to respond if you like this tutorial, please share with other bloggers users who also want to make sensitive blogger template, although this is very important, since the number of mobile users have increased considerably since the last 4 or 5 years and I think there are more users who surf the Internet via mobile phones and tablets compared to desktops and laptops, as they are mobile mode, and in the coming years this number will continue to rise only so if you have not done your template blogger meeting, please go and do it now to give visitors a better navigation experience.

How To Make Money With BuySellAds

How To Make Money With BuySellAds

If you want to know how to make money with BuySellAds below in this post, I will share how you can make more money with BuySellAds. BuySellAds is one of the best network of direct marketing for bloggers and website owners to make money online, but going BuySellAds is little difficult compared to other networds advertising Why is due BuySellAds one of the advertising networks range high who do not accept low-quality sites and sites that are not professional.

Read - How To Make Money Blogging for Guest Bloggers

However, I wrote a review of complete BuySellAds you need to read. Being a blogger to be accepted into BuySellAds is like a dream come true, because there are many bloggers who make handsome amount of money BuySellAds. However, do not ask me BuySellAds with this blog, but since I'm using blogger, but soon I will migrate this wordpress blog. However, I'm having a niche site that has approved BuySellAds and the amount of gain is large. So in this post I'll share how much money you can make with BuySellAds and how to make money with BuySellAds

Making More Money With BuySellAds

1) BuySellAds is considered one of the best network of direct marketing for bloggers So there is every dream blogger for approval of BuySellAds and if you have a blog or website that gets very good then traffic is BuySellAds best ways monetize your blog. It is the advertising network CPM, CPC ad network not Therefore, it is not necessary for you to get more clicks on ads that appear if all CPC ads used on your blog or website. Just approve the ads and place banner ads on your blog and leave. And the rest is taken care by including BuySellAds find advertisers for your blog to make payments. It really is a fantastic network to make money online.

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2) However, there are many bloggers who have just started blogging and do not get much traffic, but do not worry you can apply each time you sit on the blog now is to get a good amount of traffic and have good social media followers . To be honest, it does not apply if you only have 100 to 200 page views, will not approve their own, but try to create more content and more traffic to your website, then it is most likely to be accepted in his network.

3) But do not lose hope there is no set amount of time, you may ask. So if you have been rejected in the past, that does not mean it can not be applied in the future, you can and what I like best BuySellAds. In fact, they do not want to discourage a blogger but his work to its market for a quality center for advertisers who spend a lot of money and BuySellAds want to give value to advertisers for their money.

4) To make money with BuySellAds just you have to register as a publisher account and advisors check out your blog site and if they feel they have enough advertisers for this niche or find your blog site valuable when obtained the approval. After obtaining the approval BuySellAds you can simply log into your account and fill out the basic information about your blog or website.

5) If you are thinking of how to place BuySellAds on your blog or website, then you need not worry, simply place a small piece of code into your blog and all available ad spots will be shown on your blog. So advertisers can buy ads through your blog directly or through BuySellAds market and there is no difference in your niche where the ads are bought at the end, it will make money

Read - 9 Guests Blogs Guidelines and Rules For Bloggers Lines to Follow

6) Once you have approved BuySellAds must select the category you want your blog or website below appear when advertisers navigate your market, they are looking for specific category to place their ads so it is very important to register your blog in the appropriate category for more advertising offers and therefore make more money with BuySellAds

7) slots ads are sold 30 days to base an advertiser will buy ad space for 30 days in a row on your blog or website and there are 2 ways to make money, either on a CPM or 30 days fixed price you can choose It is according to your desire and you feel comfortable and the best way is to try and see the method that makes more money

8) You can withdraw money from BuySellAds either by PayPal, check or bank transfer. For paypal Thresold the minimum is $ 20 by check is $ 50 for wire transfer is $ 500 and are very punctual in their payments and have not heard a single editor who never complain has not received money from BuySellAds as always They make payments to their suppliers on time because if there will be publishers are not going to make money

Read -10 Guest Blogging Tips and Best Practices For Beginners and Guest Bloggers

9) give publishers 75% of revenues and keep 25% which you consider that are the most difficult job to find new advertisers for your blog and website, as well as management of the entire process payment without problems

10) I have seen many bloggers who make more than $ 1,000 with just one BuySellAds and it's nice money for any blogger and an internet marketer. Even many bloggers I know personally who have left full-time employment once approved by BuySellAds Therefore, you can also make a good sum of money BuySellAds

So friends this was the way to make money with BuySellAds and tell me your opinion about this fantastic network advertising to make money and the amount of money you make with BuySellAds. I would like to hear from you and do not forget to share and subscribe for more information about how to make money online and earn money by blogging! Keep Blogging

How To Build Backlinks For A New Website / Blog SEO

How To Build Backlinks For A New Website / Blog SEO

If you want to know how to build backlinks for the new website for SEO or how to get backlinks to the blog in SEO, then you're in good position, because here I will share the best tips and tricks to help a range of its new brand on the Google website fast. Many website owners and bloggers beginners usually do not know the right strategies and SEO techniques to improve the ranking of your site in Google. But to increase your website or blog ranking Google site, they have to build backlinks quality to your blog or website because although many internet marketers and experts believe that SEO to boost your Google ranking, try the links high quality back to your blog site and yes, it is true that you have actually only creating quality backlinks, which is the only strategy that will work.Build backlinks for the new site or blog it is one of the most important to increase website traffic and exposure to your blog search engine site things. Rank in Google will get more traffic on your site or blog for free. However, many bloggers starting and webmaster choose the wrong strategy to strengthen ties and techniques that ultimately results in google penalty to protect your website worth that Google should only choose the right technology to build backlinks to your new website or blog and if you are able to get quality backlinks to your new blog site, work as much and you'll get more traffic exposure is very essential for any blogger or person who has declared his website business.

How To Create Backlinks For A New Website / Blog Quickly

1) Screen visits - Although there were many rumors about whether guest blogging is safe and there was a lot of criticism in the world of SEO and Google own communities regarding the effect of blogs guests SEO. Why, because earlier guest blogging was one of the fastest ways to get backlinks to your blog and any owner of blogger or website would approach any blogger to a client after 500 words and get links kick, but was captured extreme by many spammers who in turn apply to Google to take guest blogging practices closely. So if you are afraid that if you need to do guests or blogs, then yes you can. Why guest blogging was a concern for Google because of the bad intentions of bloggers to manipulate the classification and according to Google all link building strategies with the goal of Google ranking will follow closelyBut you do not have to worry at all if you are guest blogging the right way. Only accounting guest is in place and relevant websites Say you are in the niche of "health and fitness" and if you are guest posting and technology acquisition retracement of the blog, then it is not media ethics to create backlinks for your new website, but what you do on relevant sites, then you will be perfectly fine
2) Blog commenting - Blog commenting is one of the easiest to build backlinks for the new blog or website. Just find relevant blogs in place and after valuable feedback that way, not only will you be able to build backlinks easily, but you can also get more exposure and build loyal subscribers and fast visitors to you blog . The best thing to create links fast reverse is to find a luv comment enabled blogs what this does is when you blog comments it receives a backlink to your last post, as there are a lot of blogs that have the plugin CommentLuv to provide backlinks dofollow works wonderfully so not only blog comments to get your blog around the world, but they are able to obtain quality and relevant backlinks pointing to your blog that is more important to increase rankings of Google

Build backlinks with blog comments3) awareness Blogger - Blogger awareness can be very fruitful for bloggers who can write quality content for your blog or website Because there are many bloggers who have used this strategy to increase backlinks and very fast've been able to rank for a keyword in googleBut here you have to be little careful and this strategy will not work for you if you are not able to build quality products and highly sought after because no blogger would like to link to your article, if you do not provide the value is new and no one else has provided one of the best examples is Brian backlinko dean did what he did, he published the post on Google factors that have obtained hundreds of new backlinks broke and classification of your blog on the first page of Google within weeks classification . Brian Dean used the technique of the known art skyscrapers, which is to produce the most useful, relevant type and content that is currently published on the Internet. I'll write about this technique in the future post to keep coming and I believe that friends will be amazed by the results you get using the strategy impact of blogsYou only have to communicate with other bloggers in your niche are talking about your new article on your site or blog and ask them to connect with future work, even if asked whether the content is awesome and very helpful when they connect naturally but it is very advisable to ask if you feel that, in fact, your article is also interesting links and the other blogger will be happy to do so because they provide value to your readers4) broken Links- Find broken links on popular websites in your niche and asking and recommending to link to your newly published in their blog post is another way to get backlinks for your new website. However, a recommendation for you not recommend any link unless it is relevant and provide value to another site owner and if the article is relevant and useful, then you can acquire good and high quality links to your site blog that Google He loves more because they come from the main points of authority in your niche5) Social Bookmarking - Social bookmarking is another way to create backlinks to your blog and there are many social networking sites great authority and as high scores as Reditt, delicious, Digg and StumbleUpon So every time new content is published in your website or blog, you must submit to these sites popular social bookmarking, but there are other social bookmarking sites that are also good, especially if your site is new and the other advantage of social bookmarking is that it will increase its rate scanning and indexing in Google
So folks them was how to build backlinks for the new site / blog for SEO and if you like this advice please share and subscribe and do not forget to tell me how to find links to your site or blog with comments that I am always willing to learn new tricks and tips link building! Keep blogsBefore updating penguin life was much easier in terms of link building for SEO, but because of the many spammers are constantly trying to Game Rankings of Google have used these techniques to the extreme and that is why now google It keeps an eye on these activities and techniques. So if you have just started a new website or blog, but not confused or wondering what are the safest ways it is to build backlinks to my new website or blog for SEO and in this post I will show you the best backlinking strategy works and you will be able to easily get quality backlinks for the new website or blog free and fast. So without wasting much time we will see the best tips and tricks backlinking

How To Build Backlinks For Safe SEO : Link Building Safe Strategy


How To Build Backlinks For Safe SEO : Link Building Safe Strategy

If you want to know how to build backlinks security in 2016 or building strategy secure link, then you are the best article because here I will share some of the best penguin, panda and building strategy Google links of safe way. It is very important to build backlinks security in 2016 for your blog or website especially after Penguin and Panda update as Google has become very strict and have zero tolerance for bloggers and webmasters using strengthening strategies links hat black to improve the Google website.

penguin and panda Before the upgrade, which was very easy to build 1,000 replacement of low quality and rank your site in Google, but this technique has gone to extremes spammers and many many links building strategy game of black hat used google Ranking backlinking but now those strategies do not work and there is a good chance that your blog or website could correct google to use these techniques.

Read - Seo Guest Blogging, Traffic, Backlinks and Link Building Strategy

Recently one of my friend who just started his blog asked me how to build backlinks security for your new blog, so I thought I would write this post because there are many beginning bloggers who want to know what make sure the unaffected for a future penguin or panda or Google penalty. To be honest, I do not really know what strategy google link building is marked as spam in the future

Because early guest blogging was considered one of the best ways to build backlinks for the new site, but after a minor Matt Cutts time to update the thinking of many bloggers and website owners change and was having doubts about whether to accept or guest blogs to get backlinks. But do not worry. I'll share the best and safest ways to build backlinks to your blog or website in this post. So without wasting much time he caught a deep dive and learns the best strategies for building backlinks security in 2016.

How To build Safely backlinks in 2016 - Penguin, Panda and Google Construction Safe Strategy Links

These are some of the best ways to build backlinks security in 2016 that do not harm your website or blog ranking in Google and strategies are proven and safe by many bloggers pro and so we'll see one by one

1) Guest Blogging - While guest blogging was a little history in the world of SEO, but let me tell you that there is another and safer to build backlinks then invited blogs. When guest blogging was in critical probloggers many customers stopped accepting positions on their blogs and they could get the Google sentence. On the other hand many bloggers were invited to create backlinks display was also suspicious about whether it is safe in the eyes of Google or not, but let me tell the truth.

Read - 9 Guests Blogs Guidelines and Rules For Bloggers Lines to Follow

guest blogging is safe and that accounts for it until it is guest posting the highest authority and relevant specialized sites, but if you are guest blogging low quality, relevant sites and not spam Google could then yes take a close look at your link building technique. And this is what Matt Cutts also recommended and made clear after Google will not penalize sites that are blogs quality customers on relevant sites, but those who do wrong move could be a problem

So now if you think you want to do guest blogging then I would say 100% yes you can show guest in a higher authority and niche relevant websites and you will not have to fear sanctions Google

2) blog commenting - Blog commenting is another surefire ways to build backlinks to your blog or website and think it's one of the easiest ways too, but if did incorrectly, can get into trouble and I personally tried this. What happened was that wanted to increase the ranking of one of my entries in the Google way back and got 50 comments blog with the same content in different nests of relevant blogs but Google caught this and that is a new spamming by Google. So how you will build backlinks with blog comments.

Let me tell you how wrong I was, I just wrote a blog 20 copied words and stuck comment on 50 blogs and Google do not like what they want only link pointing to your site and a source close to the words look that are around are taken these links and that is why contextual links are the best ways to build quality backlinks.

Another good way is to find comments allowed blogs that will give you some links blogger recoil make the adjustment and also give you links dofollow retreat is the best and surest way to build backlinks

So never do that and even after all the comments on blogs instead of reading the whole blog and write valuable comments and this will really help you not only get backlinks, but also give greater visibility and increase traffic your site web or blog

3) niche sites - This is similar to the client screen, but here we are looking especially for niche sites that are highly targeted to our Blog or niche website and try to send an email to the owner blog or website if you can write an article for them. And if you have good writing skills then chances are that you will have the opportunity to write for them. So even if you get out your article on 20 sites in your niche, you will get 20 inbound links extreme quality that will dramatically increase your Google ranking very quickly.

4) contextual links - contextual backlinks are more useful and efficient compared to the links in footers and sidebars Google treats these sidebars and links footer as spam and may not be the safest way to build backlinks to your website. So every time you make blogging guests try to include one or two links and contextual links pointing to your blog or website and it will be very beneficial.

5) presentation of names - if you want to build backlinks security can do directory submission, but never submit your site to directories and low quality spam is not a safe strategy to build backlinks to your blog or website Web. Google will penalize your blog or website for it. But there are many big and tall directories as authority blogs Alltop, Dmoz, backlinks Technorati directory that can greatly help increase your ranking in Google in no time. If you can get backlinks from these three directories, then surely increase the classification

6) Article submission - While sending items are worried about the value of backlinks, but to be honest, is one of the oldest and safest ways to build backlinks to your blog or website. Nevertheless, make sure that no thread too many topics or items of low quality articles on article submission sites. I have seen many bloggers and website owners use this link building strategy that is not last year penguin and panda day before or google eyes if you send the same messages or spun articles in 10 separate article submission sites. But if you really want to extract the value of the indexes more backlinks then try to show a minimum of 500 word articles on submission sites High Authority of items such as Ezine Articles, GoArticles, etc., and believe me if you send single item, then you can safely sanctions Google

So was friends how to build backlinks security in 2016 and is the best penguin, panda, safe building strategy Google links especially recommended if you do not want Google to avoid sanctions in the future. If I missed any of the other techniques in any security link building, please let me know through the comments and do not forget to tell me how to build backlinks security to your blog or website that I always willing to learn new tricks and tips link building! Keep blogs.

How To Build Backlinks Manually To The Web / SEO Blog Site

How To Build Backlinks Manually To The Web / SEO Blog Site

If you want to know how to build backlinks manually or creating manual links setback after landing in the best position because they will share the best ways to build backlinks manually on your blog or website. Backlinks are the backbone of any website or blog site rank high on Google and other search engines recoilless will be very difficult to senior and increase keyword ranking in Google. Many novice bloggers and webmaster often ask how to get backlinks to your website or blog and no matter how niche or topic that the site is the blog owner or site owner is always in search of new backlinks to your site website or blog
Why? because they know the importance of backlinks in SEO and how they can increase rapidly Google website. However, many bloggers forget to think about quality backlinks and still have this mindset that will create more backlinks your ranking will improve, but this is what is most important is the quality of the links While recoil say to build backlinks 20 manually and these only 4-5 backlinks are high quality products, then Google will give value to these backlinks only 4-5 and the rest of them devalue them. Today, I took the time to write this post because in many forums, I see questions like

How to build backlinks manually
How to create backlinks manually
How to build links manually recoil
Build links free kick textbooks, etc, etc

So I decided to write this post because there are many bloggers and website owners who are starting new websites and blogs often sites that want to classify them as quickly as possible so that they are always trying to build links initial recoil manually to give a boost SEO to rank your new site on Google. And believe many bloggers are building links manual recoil by various methods, but here I will only share the work and construction techniques white SEO links hat 100% that is not going to get your website or blog penalized by one of changes to the panda or penguin. So without wasting much time it left in this dive.

Free Dofollow List of .edu and .gov Websites for Backlinks & SEO 2016

Free Dofollow List of .edu and .gov Websites for Backlinks & SEO 2016 

If you are looking for a great PR dofollow websites edu and gov backlinks list then you have landed in the best position because then I'll share the exclusive list of .gov and .edu sites free dofollow backlinks increase your web site or blog SEO Google.

READ - 350+ High PR Dofollow List of .edu and .gov Websites SEO Feature To Analyze 2016

Edu and Gov backlinks for SEO High PR 2016

Dofollow Edu and Gov Sites For SEO & Backlinks 2016 – With Blog Comments

So friends was high pr Dofollow and .edu backlinks .gov and the list of websites SEO, if you like this post please share and if you find a link that no longer works or you know each other better and free high pr .gov Dofollow .edu backlinks web sites and so let me know through the comments and I'll add to this list! Happy blogs.
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