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SEO Backlinking Strategy Works Best Tutorial Tips & Tricks

Showing posts with label Directory Submission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Directory Submission. Show all posts

Building Links To Niche Sites - Safe Strategy And Advice That Works


Building Links To Niche Sites - Safe Strategy And Advice That Works

1) Keyword rich anchor text is one of the most important in building links to niche sites and this can greatly improve your Google rankings if done correctly So, what was explained to me

Say you want to build a website targeted the keyword "training routines" and wants to classify, but as soon as you head to your search tool keyword Google, you will find that the classification of that particular keyword, is not easy keyword gets about 50k monthly global search and most of the site that are of higher rank on the first page of Google are great sites like bodybuilding.com but if you are smart enough, you can choose keywords they are less competitive and easy to classify as "workout routines for men" who receive about 5k visitors per month worldwide.

READ MORE : Creating Links To Niche Sites : Building Links To Niche Sites

2) So to complete the point number is or keyword you are trying to rank for not building more than 10% of its recoil using the keyword anchor text rich instead of trying to build links natural reverse their websites niche So to break it down below is the best and proven link building strategy that can be used

exact match keyword – 10%

partial match keyword – 10%

brand name – 30%

exact url backlinks- 20%

keyword + suffix ( relevant terms ) – 15 %

prefix ( relevant terms )+ keyword – 15 %

So this is the best way to create links to niche sites and is very safe and also make your natural looking backlink profile

3) If you've been blogging for a while or already have niche sites, you must be knowing that the challenge is to get backlinks high quality and especially to get backlinks dofollow and we find all the possibilities to build backlinks most beginners bloggers get greedy and bind to their exact niche sites with keywords that try to classify and in most cases the same keyword for building links is used. But it is not safe at all by all means and backlink profile look natural and not to be penalized by Google. So to be safe use of the relationship of backlinks mentioned above to create links to your sites niche.

READ - Seo Guest Blogging, Traffic, Backlinks and Link Building Strategy

4) Another cool way to improve keyword ranking of Google for your keyword goal is to use keywords LSI that will help your niche websites to rank for other relevant terms users might be looking at Google and this can bring additional traffic and Google likes and give important keywords LSI to know exactly what the site is for. Example Say you want to align to "buy Nike shoes" and LSI keywords could be "buy running shoes" "buy shoes for men", etc., and this will help your sites niche range more related keywords

So friends What are just some of the best tips on creating Sitelinks place and I am sure that if the strategy link building is used above for sites then surely you can rank high place in Google and other engines safe and quick search. And please do not forget to tell me how to build links to your sites in niche through the comments and feel free to ask questions and questions! Best of luck friends

Delete Date (Year / Month) Numbers Of Blogger Post URL


Delete Date (Year / Month) Numbers Of Blogger Post URL

If you want to know how to remove the date (year and month) URL blogger jobs numbers are then you're in good position because'll show a cold tower to delete messages date and numbers blogger URL. You must be knowing that the blogger is one of the most popular blogging sites and the best way to start your blog on Blogger, but there are many limitations that make many bloggers think much about how to solve a particular problem. One of the most common questions most frequently asked bloggers are that the way to date to remove the blogger so that your blog url position more professional and SEO friendly look.

If you know a few tips for SEO blogger, you must be knowing that the number of blog URL is not considered the structure of URL SEO friendly and many professionals and experts in SEO bloggers say it is best to remove the URL numbers blog for more SEO friendly. This is because users often ask this question many bloggers and wants to remove / blogger month of the year url.

Also, if you move the blogger blog to WordPress then you can also feel the need and take the figures in blogger url as an obstacle, but in this post I will share how to date the removal url Blogger post with one thing very cold. I will divide this position in Section 2 First, let's see how the data are removed from blogger and then we will see how to remove the numbers after blogger url. So without wasting much time, we will see how.

How To Remove Blogger Post URL Date

1) First let me tell you that blogger was initially was made with the model of online diary where anybody can keep track and record in the format of online diary Also blogger has since then not introduced any method to remove or hide the date figure ( Year / month ) from blogger post url. However if you desperately want to remove this then I have a cool trick for you all by which you can easily remove date from blogger post.

Steps To Remove Date ( Year / Month ) From Blogger

1) First you need to create a blank page and don’t write anything in the content area leave it blank

2) Open your blogger blog dashboard in other tab and click on published posts section where you can see all the blog post which you have already published

3) Now select any blog post from which you want to remove year / month number from the url and click on edit

4) Now copy the whole content including your labels, images from the blog post and simply past ( CTRL + V) in the blank page you created earlier

Note –  Don’t right click and paste as plain text because this will remove all the internal links and images as well as any formatting you have done in your blog post So do normal copy  ( CTRL+C ) and paste (CTRL + V ) as this will keep all the formatting as it is

5) Finally click on publish button

Well this is the simple and only trick to remove date and numbers from blogger post url, and there is no other trick which you can apply to get rid of year / month number from blogger and there is no other trick which you can apply to get rid of year / month number from blogger

So what this will basically do is that if you blogger post is having the url like


Then it will be converted to


And friend this is the only trick which I have found to hide the date and numbers from blogger url

Now we have another case that is different from the previous scenario where I have seen that many times when we permalink custom in blogger blogger and sometimes automatically add numbers to the end of our post blogger url who this many other blogger should have realized and confused where the hell did this number in the URL, even if not set manually.

Well, that is the similar case also found me, but I managed to find the solution for this, and this is this section to do

How To Delete Numbers Blogger Post URL

You may have noticed that sometimes the blogger add a number to the end of your message blogger url why? Because blogger keeps track of every post each blog you post to your blog since it was started as web log and want to ensure that each blog entry or your blog is unique. And not for the post published if you simply aim at creating an empty position and save the project to blogger assigned a unique URL and whether to publish another blog with the same title, and Blogger are adding random numbers to publish your url blogger. If you remove this previous post, it is not deleted So how to approach it and do away with this issue of your message url. Do not worry about having an awesome thing for you, we'll see

Changing the permanent as link also does not work in this case, so the only option is either to change the title of their position or change the date can be done by clicking on the calendar tab on the right side of the editor messages in the extension settings

Just change the timestamp of each preceding month and this number will be automatically deleted from blogger url. I remember tell me the blogger remembers every URL and that this trick will do is it will change the URL different and insert year / month selected URL and URL to be the only and now will not be the number at the end of his blogger url message

So this was how friends date (year / month) remove the numbers blogger URL of the publication and if you like this advice please share with other users of blogger and if you have any questions, you can ask me through comments do not forget to subscribe for more tips and tricks blogger! Good blogging

Removing / Hide Name Of The Author Of Blogger Posts


Removing / Hide Name Of The Author Of Blogger Posts

If you want to find out how remove the author's name Blogger posts or hide the name of the author and blogger in this post I will show simple tips to remove the name of the author of your Blogger blog. However, it is very naive, but there are many beginning bloggers who do not know this simple trick and think they have to do some coding to remove it, but it's very simple. Why is this important is because many bloggers have added multiple author blog on blogger in which many bloggers. Therefore contributing authors' names will be different.

However, it's no harm in keeping the author's name, but there are always exceptions that a user might want to delete or hide the name of the author of the blogger blog. They either outsource the content and do not want their readers to know about this or any reason. So without wasting time 's, you see the trick now.

Removing / Hide Name of The Author Of Blogger

1) Log in to your blogger dashboard

2) Click on the layout tab then scroll down to the gadget section called Blog posts and click on the edit link which is at the bottom of Blog posts gadget as shown below.

3) Now a pop up window will open simply uncheck the checkbox to hide or remove author name from blogger posts as show below

4) Finally click on the Save button at the botton! That’s it

This trick will only hide the author name from your blogger posts but it will not remove it completely from blogger template So when you change your mind and again what to show author name in your blog posts then simply recheck the box again and it will show the author name on your blog.

But for those who want to permanently remove author name from blogger template below are the steps to do

How To Remove Author Name From Blogger Template

To remove  / hide author name from blogger template permanently simply follow the below mentioned steps

1) Click on Template in your blogger dashboard

2) Then click on Edit HTML

3) Now expand your blogger template code by clicking on the small arrow icons on the left

4) Press CTRL + F to find the code <data:post.author/> and delete it

5) Save your blogger template! and now the author name has been removed from blogger template permanently

So this was the way friends remove / hide the name of the author of blogger posts and if you like this trick, please share with other bloggers who do not know how to hide the name of the author the blogger also, do not forget subscribe for more tips and tricks Blogger! Keep Blogging

How To Made Sticky Post or Featured On Blogger


How To Made Sticky Post Or Featured On Blogger

If you want to know how, after blogger presented or how to create after sticking on blogspot then you have landed in the best position because in this post I will show the best tricks to make your sticky after blogger or functions. prominent position is the one that remains in Blogger homepage forever until you remove it. First I will say that since sticky post offered are one and the same thing so do not be confused. A structure of the traditional blog as the most recent post appears first on the home page, followed by the oldest message that has previously posted on his blog and continues to continue to add the latest post on the Home page as it moves down the old messages (reverse chronological order).

However, there are situations where you do not want this to happen, or few posts on your blog that are most important or sponsored messages you want to stay on the main page and does not slip and the home falls, which they have used or sticky post into action and is one of the best way to show your most important content for your visitors. Wordpress is very easy then create sticky or presented blogger, but there is no direct method or device to do this. However, we have a bright to make a sticky post in Blogger trick. Many novice users blogger not know how to do this So in this post I will show you step by step tutorial to create after the selected blogspot

How To Made Sticky Post Or Featured On Blogger

 Make Featured or sticky post in blogger  – Method 1

1) Create a new post in blogger which you want to make sticky and publish it

2) Now go back to your blogger dashboard and select published post and click on the edit link of that post which you want to make sticky

3) Now in the post editor click on “published on” and select “Set date and time”

4) Now choose any future date till the time you want your blog post to stay as featured post. After this date your blog post will not remain as featured post in blogger homepage.

5) And finally click on Done! That’s it 

Create Sticky or Featured post in Blogspot  – Method 2

1) Select the blog post which you want to make a featured post then in the post editor click on the “HTML”

2) Now press CTRL + A to select all the html code and press CTRL + C to copy it and close the post editor

3) Now in your blogger dashobard click on Layout and in the layout section click on “Add a gadget”

4) A pop up will open then select “HTML/ Javascript”

5) In the title section enter the title for your sticky post and it can be any like featured post or sponsored post

6) In the content section paste ( CTRL + V ) the code you copied in step no 2 and click on Save button at the bottom

7) Now you will be back to your blogger dashboard. So the last part is to drag the new added ” HTML/ Javascript” to your desired place in the layout where you want your featured post to appear. So if you want to make your sticky post on blogger homepage above other posts then drag it above ” Blog Posts” gadget and leave.

8)   Finally click on Save arrangement button on the top of your blogger dashobard to save the settings.

Note - You can post offered or post sticky one page blogger home show and if it appears in the pages of individual messages, or to hide after pasting from other sites and then read the post below to close after starring or post sticky in pages or blog entries specific to your blogger

Publishing Prominent Blogger Sidebar In Gadget

Blogger recently introduced appliance functionality after Blogspot Therefore, we can add and make messages as easily presented message easily. There may be times when you want your most important to stay long on the main page so messages more traffic exposure and feedback, which is very good.

It is also very useful if you write review of positions and have affiliate links on them to make certain messages or sticky prominent blog is very profitable. Because, as I said earlier about you will get more traffic and SEO more eyes will see the blog entries in particular so you can make more money by blogging and promoting their products and services and believe me, you can skyrocket your income soon. So without wasting much time we will see how to create or after pasting placed on Blogger selected using the tool Blogger. 

Steps To Create The Selected Post Blogspot 

1)  Login to your Blogger blog dashboard

2) Then click on Add a gadget and you will get a pop up then select the featured post gadget

3) Then you will get the settings popup where you can select the featured post as shown below

Here you can enter the Gadget title which you want you can put featured post or simply leave it blank

4) You can then select the check box to show or hide the post title or post pictures, you can select the position of all labels or individual label or you can type keywords to search for a specific item and then finally click below the Save button to save the settings

On the right side you can see the preview of the message and presents will look

So this was how friends after selecting or sticky in blogger or blogspot and if you like this trick blogspot so do share with other blogspot users and do not forget to share and subscribe for more tips and tricks blogger! Keep blogs.

How To Adding Author Bio Box On Blogger


How To Adding Author Bio Box On Blogger

 If you want to learn how to add to the biography of the author blogger or how to add author box in blogger, then you are on the right post, because here I will share the best blogger tips add the box author biography in your Blogger blog. You must have seen many bloggers like to end his blog post for a short biography or introduction for more exposure and connect with your visitors and this is a great way to build your blog readers and are the best ways to build on my page and adding author bio box below each blog entry on your blog.
However, there are many WordPress plugins that adds this author box on your blog, but for those who use blogger know not how to add the author box bio blogger and therefore wandering think how without plug-in official blogger and the gadget or widget that we can. But do not worry I'm here to share the wonderful tricks to accomplish this easily. So without wasting much time we'll start this blogger tutorialRead - How friendly model Blogger Mobile 

How To Adding Author Bio Box On Blogger

 Here I will show you the best ways that you can add author bio box in the blogger and we will see each of them one by one

Add Author Box In Blogger  – Method 1

The first method is very simple by using HTML/ Javascript in your blogger to do this just follow the below mentioned steps

1) Log in to your blogger dashboard

2) Click on layout and simply click on “Add a gadget”

3) A pop up window will open and select HTML/ Javascript

4) Now give the title to your gadget like ” About author” or anything else you like and paste the below mentioned code in the content area


<img alt=’ Your Name’ height=’100′ src=’Image URL’ width=’100’/>
<p> Short Description about yourself including your blog or website link </p>
<h4>Facebook<a href=’ Facebook Page URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>
<h4>Twitter <a href=’ Twitter Profile URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>
<h4>Google plus<a href=’ Google Plus Profile URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>


5) Hit the Save button and drag the Author bio gadget where you want for eg if you want to display the author box below every blog post then drag it below the blog posts area as shown below

Add Author Bio In Blogger  – Method 2

1) In your blogger dasboard

2) Click on layout and simply click on “Add a gadget”

3) A pop up window will open and select the gadget called ” Profile” as shown below

4) Now Give the title and click on the check box which says “show about me” and hit the save button that’s it and it will show your Google plus profile in your blogger blog

Best way to show author bio each below blog post in blogger

1) Go to your blogger dashboard and click on layout

2) Now in  “Blog Posts” gadget you will see the edit link at bottom click on that a pop up window will open

3) Scroll down and check the box which says ” Show Author Profile Below Post” and Hit the Save button

Add Multiple Author Bio Box in Blogger  – Method 3 

Some times you might be having multiple author blog where many bloggers are contributing or you might be accepting guest post on your blogger blog So it’s very essential for you to show who the author is and give your readers more information about that particular author and the best way to do this is to add multiple author bio box below each post in blogger.

However for single author blog the above method will work like charm but for multiple author box it’s a bit difficult for newbie blogger users to achieve this but no worries I have the solution for you and you can easily add multiple author bio box below each blog post in blogger

Steps to Add Multiple author bio box below each post in Blogger
1) In your blogger dashboard click on Template

2) Now click on “Edit HTML”  and expand your blogger template by clicking the small arrow icon on the left side

3) Now press CTRL + F and find ]]></b:skin>  and paste the below code above this

 .about-author {

background:# d6eaf2 none repeat scroll 0 0;

border:1px solid # bcd2db;



margin:0 0 18px;



.about-author img {

background:#FFFFFF none repeat scroll 0 0;

border:1px solid #9ED0DF;



margin:0 10px 0 0;


Now search for the line <div class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′> and paste the below mentioned code below it

<div class=’about-author’>
<img alt=’ Your Name’ height=’100′ src=’Image URL’ width=’100’/>
<p> Short Description about yourself including your blog or website link </p>
<h4>Facebook<a href=’ Facebook Page URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>
<h4>Twitter <a href=’ Twitter Profile URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>
<h4>Google plus<a href=’ Google Plus Profile URL’ target=’_blank’></a></h4>

Note  – for each time you add new author name make sure to add it below the line <div class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′> otherwise it will not appear below the blog post

So friends this was how to add author bio box in blogger if you like this blogger tutorial please share with other blogger users and don’t forget to share and subsribe to get more blogger tips and tricks

How Fast Index Backlinks In Google


How Fast Index Backlinks In Google

If you want to know how backlinks rapid rate of Google or how to get links fast reverse indexed by Google and in this post I will share the best tips and tricks to ensure that all backlinks are crawled and indexed quickly by Google. Get your indexed by Google fast reverse is very important because more backlinks Google will crawl and index is better and you will be able to improve Google ranking of your blog or website easily.However many beginning bloggers and website owners usually confused and frustrated if your backlinks are not indexed by Google and start looking for the reason. And this is the main reason why I write this post to erase all this for you.

Recently I was reading a forum internet marketing and find a blogger ask questions like how long it takes to get indexed backlinks or how long for Google backlinks index and such problems play an important role for any LinkBuilder or if you are working on a client side to improve their ranking google.

Read - How To Build Backlinks Manually To The Web / SEO Blog Site

This makes it very important, especially if you are trying to rank sites niche or not linkbuilding for niche sites that want to rank for a keyword in Google quickly is very important to get your fast reverse indexed by google and other search engines. So in this post I will share the tips and suggestions work for fast index in google backlinks

How To Get Incoming Links Indexed By Google Fast

Before I tell you how to index backlinks fast google let me tell you it is not necessary that Google indexes all your backlinks 100% and this is the point that many beginning bloggers and Internet marketers do not know they think that if they go to build 100 backlinks then all backlinks will be indexed by Google and want for faster indexing But in reality, Google will not index your entire setback if they feel that they are valued fairly and are sites of low quality.

Read - How To Index My Website / Blog Google Quick Search Within 24 hours

Google indexes only backlinks they feel they are authentic and of high authority sites So if you plan to build hundreds of websites spam links that link to your blog or website so I am sorry to say that Google's indexing backlinks and most likely get Google penalty.

Therefore, in order to avoid fresh Google should not create low quality links to your website or blog actually site, focusing on developing backlinks high quality and if you do, then you need not worry how long it takes to get indexed inbound links or backward time for Google index recoil will automatically track and indexed quickly by Google, because they are high quality and places of relavent authority.

No need to create backlinks that Google not index Why? Simple Google do not think these backlinks are valuable and important enough to crawl and index in their search results, so if you also build backlinks of poor quality, then stop wasting your time instead of focusing on building quality backlinks. Remember that no matter the quantity, but the quality does not matter to Google now and always will be.

Read - How To Build Backlinks For A New Website / Blog SEO

Tips and tricks for fast indexing links setback in Google
These are 100% better ways and work through which you can index your quick setback in Google

1) Fetch As Google Bot - The first and most effective trick to get your super fast indexed in Google backlinks is to use extraction Google as service robot Google in Webmaster Tools Google, but you can only choose if you own the property, which means that the site and the blog are the links you want Google to crawl and indexed. And it works like a charm every time I face a problem concerning indexing that usually use Fetch as Google bot and the results are amazing to me.

2) Ping Urls - For rapid rate its decline in google, can use services like ping pingomatic. Just create a list of URL and send it by pingomatic. What this does is it tells Google and other search engines have updated their messages is also very effective to inform Google backlinks you have created. When every time I find my backlinks are not scanned and indexed by Google pingomatic and usually use my URL indexed within minutes.

3) Social Bookmarking - Social bookmarking is another way Google indexed quickly in reverse. Just enter the URL and sharing sites popular social bookmarking like Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon and ready to go out, because Google crawls these great authority site frequently and index your report recently created by the links reverse any other technique.

4) Social Networking Sites - social networking sites are the best way to get your backlinks indexed by Google quickly, especially if you share your URLs for Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and Pinterest. Because these are social networking sites and Google crawls and loves these websites frequently than all other sites on the Internet. One thing I would like to share is the proportion of URLs backlink to your Google profile and more because your chances of getting your indexed receding dramatically increase google occurs. I have personally used and seen very fast results most of the time.

5): 2 Links Tier - Most of you must have heard of backlinks level 2, but for those who do not know what is 2 levels back let me say that 2 inbound links are links at the level of the first level . So how does this help index your backlinks in google, is simple enough to create links to your reverse and this will increase the power of your first level to build backlinks and Google will quickly analyze these links and index.

6) Web 2.0 - Web 2.0 are sites like Blogger, WordPress, Squidoo, HubPages, etc. and if you want the backlinks indexed in Google quickly, then you can simply create 100 item the word and building links to your retreat and this is a good trick that works 100% of the time because Google loves these sites and sharing sites are most popular content that is indexed backlinks in a short time.

Read - How To Build Backlinks For Safe SEO : Link Building Safe Strategy 

So friends this was backlinks indexed quickly on Google. If you like this post please share and do not forget to subscribe. Please also share some of her things and tell us as an index of recoil would learn from you as well and this will also help my readers and what we now know how to get your backlinks indexed fast to go create backlinks Google high quality and increase your website or blog ranking in Google!
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